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Kaka 8.0


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General Information

Director: Ramen Barman

Duration: 1 hr 52 min 31 sec

Genres: Feature, Fiction



Submitted By: Ramen Barman

Festival Rating 8.5
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  • Directors
    Ramen Barman
  • Producers
    Sanyukta Bezbaruah
  • Writers
    Ramen Barman
  • Film Type
    Feature, Fiction
  • Genres
  • Runtime
    1 hours 52 minutes 31 seconds
  • Production Budget
  • Country of Origin
  • Country of Filming
  • Film Language
  • Shooting Format
  • Aspect Ratio
  • Film Color
  • Student Project
  • First-time Filmmaker

Director's Biography

With a keen eye for storytelling and 18 years of experience, Mr. Ramen Barman is a passionate filmmaker. A graduate of Guwahati University, his career began with a love for understanding human experiences and translating them into captivating audio-visual productions. Mr. Barman's expertise ranges from directing and editing to producing, making him a well-rounded creative force.

Director's Statement

From the very beginning, I've been drawn to stories that resonate. Not just with the audience, but with me, on a deeper level. Films have the incredible power to transport us, to make us laugh, cry, and everything in between. But the ones that truly stay with me are the ones that spark conversation, that leave a lingering question or ignite a newfound understanding.
That's what I strive for in my work. I want to create films that are more than just entertainment. I want to make films that challenge perspectives, that celebrate the beauty of human experience in all its complexities. Films that leave audiences thinking, feeling, and maybe even a little changed. It's not always about giving easy answers, but about posing the right questions and exploring the human condition with honesty and empathy.
This is why I'm so passionate about each and every project we work on. It's all about stories with the potential to move people, to make them see the world in a new light. And that, for me, is the ultimate reward of filmmaking.


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